
Another one of my prophecies is coming true:

On Wednesday, August 14, 2024, the WHO, funded primarily by the pharmaceutical industry and pharmaceutical shareholder Bill Gates, declared an international emergency.
Monkeypox (“Mpox”) was classified as a global health risk and the highest alert level was declared.

The WHO followed “independent monkeybox experts” who, however, did not sound the alarm themselves. They were invited by the WHO to join an emergency committee to make recommendations.
The WHO thus called on all governments around the world to prepare for a new virus that is very dangerous and can spread extremely quickly. So far, there have been no concrete consequences.

The pharmaceutical industry is already rubbing its hands because it already has the next gene-altering syringes for humans in the drawer.

The health ministers of all countries are still placating and believe that the risk of the virus spreading in Europe is low. Now, in August 2024, the narrative still holds true that the conventional smallpox vaccine, as it is routinely administered in the West, reduces the mortality risk to almost zero, even if this vaccination was given decades ago.

But we all know how quickly narratives can change. “There will certainly be no lockdown” and "Masks won't help at all" were the initial slogans of the WHO and the health ministers of all countries. The fascist measures these statements mutated into are unforgotten.

Since the 1970s, there have been repeated outbreaks of monkeypox in West and Central Africa. Monkeypox is a virus that is transmitted from animals to humans. The main hosts are certain rodent species that are native to the affected African countries. The viruses can be transmitted through direct contact by hunting or eating the animals. Monkeys play only a minor role in transmission in the wild.

There are two different genetic lines of the monkeypox virus, Clade 1 and Clade 2, which differ in their virulence and transmissibility.
Clade 1 is widespread in Central Africa. It is less easily transmissible than clade 2, but is the more deadly variant. Around 10 % of people who are not vaccinated against smallpox die from the disease.
The Clade 2 variant, which occurs in West Africa, also has a lower mortality rate than influenza for unvaccinated people, but is more easily transmissible.

A closer look at various events surrounding monkeypox, but also in other areas of the healthcare system, should set off alarm bells:
In 2024, a sub-variant called "Clade 1b" suddenly broke out in the Central African country of Congo. These are DNA viruses that mutate very rarely. They have not mutated in the last 50 years. Clade 1b is said to be easier to transmit than clade 1, slightly less deadly than clade 1, but more dangerous than clade 2.

What is not reported is that the outbreak is mainly concentrated in a United Nations refugee camp in Goma, Congo, near the border with Rwanda. More than 1.5 million people are currently living there and in the surrounding areas under catastrophic hygienic conditions. An ideal breeding ground for viruses. The camp is extremely overcrowded, with more than 20 people living together in tents. Transmission occurs through close physical contact.

Despite this knowledge, the WHO has declared a global state of emergency. Without this camp, the numbers would probably be similar to those of the last 50 years.

Covid-19 served as a blueprint. What we are seeing today is the same as in 2020: the “pandemic” is spreading from the top down.
Normally, an epidemic would break out in a country that cannot be contained, then the Ministry of Health would inform supra-regional bodies until the problem finally ends up at the WHO. If a particular disease spreads explosively to other countries, the WHO declares an international emergency.

Here it is exactly the opposite. The WHO convenes an emergency meeting, says there is an epidemic in Congo and declares a global state of emergency, even though there is no epidemic in other countries.
The mass media and politicians jump on the bandwagon. This is how all citizens worldwide learn that there is a pandemic.

If the media had not reported on a mass death with horrific images and figures during Covid-19, nobody would have noticed a pandemic. Hospitals were closed, hospital bed occupancy was below average and there was no excess mortality. We still remember the fascist actions that were carried out despite this. We could face something similar again if more people don't wake up and fight back this time.

It is interesting to note that monkeypox has been renamed Mpox. Allegedly because inhabitants of countries where monkeys live might feel discriminated against. But this woke madness is probably just an excuse.
The same people who today pretend to be considerate of the feelings of even the smallest fringe groups have for years tried to force all of humanity into the vaccine, have labeled unvaccinated people as appendages of society, as scum, wanted to deport them to Africa or even hunt them down in order to forcibly vaccinate them. A third of society was discriminated against and stigmatized.

Monkeypox is known to primarily affect the LBGTIQ group. In particular, bi- or homosexual men who regularly have sex with other men. Berlin has already called on this risk group to be vaccinated, as have travelers to Africa. For the rest of the population, infection and serious illness is extremely unlikely.
However, if you now hear Mpox instead of monkeypox, you probably don't immediately associate the disease with a minimal marginalized group that makes a pandemic seem more than unlikely. No, the risk group of homosexuals suddenly became children.
The narrative changed:
Monkeypox is now said to be especially deadly for children. It was now publicly stated that children are particularly at risk. Those children who were still able to escape the coronavirus vaccination. An attack on our future, on our children, has been planned for a long time.

They want to inject our children!

Since 2013, a vaccine has been available from the Danish pharmaceutical company “Bavarian Nordic”, which advertises the vaccine on its website with happy homosexuals. It says that bi- and homosexual men in particular who regularly have sex with other men should be vaccinated.
The share price is already exploding because the WHO is putting pressure on all governments in Central and West Africa to vaccinate the entire population against monkeypox if possible.
“Bavarian Nordic” has now declared that it will only be able to produce 10 million vaccine doses by the end of 2025, which is nowhere near enough to cover Africa and the rest of the world.

“Coincidentally”, however, there is also a German company that is ideally positioned to combat the outbreak of the first mutation in 50 years: BioNTech.
The company that made billions in profits with coronavirus and became famous for it.
In mid-September 2023, BioNTech announced the development of an mRNA vaccine against monkeypox. They received a financial injection of 90 million dollars from the CEPI organization, which in turn had received 150 million dollars in funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation a year earlier.

The development of the vaccine is already in the final phase of the enormously shortened trials and is expected to be ready for use this fall. So it's a good thing that BioNTech is currently completing a vaccine factory in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda, just 160 kilometers from the Goma refugee camp.
It looks as if BioNTech knew a year in advance that there would be an outbreak of mutated monkeypox for the first time in 50 years and that Bawarian Nordic would not be able to meet the demand.
This sounds like an insinuation at first, but it was BioNTech itself that was expecting unusually high profits in the fall of 2024.

In May 2024, ZDF reported a net loss for BioNTech of 315.1 million in the first quarter of 2024 compared to a profit of 502 million in the same period of the previous year.
Turnover fell from 1.27 billion euros to 187 million euros. BioNTech justified the loss with lower income from the sale of the coronavirus vaccine, with which the company had made a fortune in recent years. Nevertheless, BioNTech promised its shareholders a profit of 2.5 to 3.1 billion euros for 2024, with 90 percent of sales being generated in the final months of the year.
They promised this at a time when there had not yet been an outbreak of the monkeypox mutation.
Coincidentally, the virus mutated just as BioNTech was finalizing the vaccine. A company that profits from diseases predicts astronomical profits six months in advance, without the disease in question already existing.

As chance would have it, the development of the vaccine began at exactly the right time.
However, it would not have been a coincidence if the new variant had been modified in the laboratory like the coronavirus and deliberately circulated to fill the coffers of the pharmaceutical industry. Overcrowded refugee camps are a good place for this.

The Energy and Commerce Committee of the US House of Representatives published a report in June 2024 according to which Fauci and the NIAID gave the green light for bioweapons experiments with the monkeypox virus in 2015 and tried to conceal this from Congress.

The report is based on the sworn testimony of NIAID employee and virologist Bernhard Moss, who, along with other scientists, was tasked with modifying Clade 1 to make it as contagious as Clade 2.
This is exactly what we are seeing today.

In the meantime, scientists have been able to prove that the monkeypox virus was converted into a bio-weapon in a bioweapons laboratory.

Quoting Bill Gates at the Munich Security Conference years earlier:
“The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist who plans to use genetic engineering to produce a synthetic version of the smallpox virus”.
The terrorist, however, was Fauci and his government scientists.

At the same time, the test balloon for the digital European vaccination certificate, which is to be introduced in all EU countries in 2026, will be launched in September 2024.
It should make our lives easier and make all vaccination data clear, traceable, verifiable and easily transferable. The vaccination certificate is of course also ideal for authorizing trips abroad only with the appropriate vaccination stamps.

On July 12, 2024, the New Zealand Ministry of Health presented a new pandemic plan that provides for forced isolation, quarantine and, if necessary, compulsory vaccinations. And all under the guise of the “common good”.
It always starts in one country ....

Corona was the blueprint. Now the salami-slicing tactic is probably being used again. Tightening the rules, then easing them slightly, only to tighten the screws again.
China has already imposed stricter entry controls for travelers from Mpox risk areas. Pakistan has since followed suit.
Shortly afterwards, Sweden reported the first confirmed case of Mpox in Europe, putting the continent on heightened alert.

As soon as the first images of skin rashes and feverish people appear in the mass media, the new “pandemic” is taken to a new level.
We've had this number before with Corona. We still remember well the fascist actions that were enforced even though there was no excess mortality. Fake pictures of piles of corpses and coffins from the Lampedusa ship disaster, which were sold to us as corona deaths, have increased the fear of the uninformed population.
Now comes the next fabricated pandemic! Smallpox-like formations on the skin will provide even more frightening images and terrify people. You can do almost anything with frightened people! For many, it will break down any resistance!
Although the publication of the RKI files, the statements of the EMA (European Medicines Commission) and also the data from Sweden, which is free of masks and lockdowns, have proven that neither lockdown nor compulsory masks and social distancing had an influence on the incidence of coronavirus and that these were political and not scientific-medical decisions, attempts are again being made to enforce them. And the New Zealand government's new pandemic plan looks even worse!

Experiments with mRNA vaccines have been going on for 20 years. To date, no laboratory rat has survived. Now another “vaccine” has been produced in record time. Now the experiment is being continued on humans. Everything from placebo to particularly “effective” (deadly) will be injected.
It is all about the population reduction desired by the transhumanists, the exact effectiveness of the injected substance and determining the extent to which those in power (still) have the people under control.
The Covid population reduction was not only driven by the deaths caused since the introduction of the injection, but the birth rate also fell by 20% and continues to this day. The trend is towards sterilization. The cyborg agenda (Chapter 11) would become all the more important for the Illuminati!

I can only hope that more people have now woken up and are taking a stand against this life-threatening health fascism!

“Decline of the system", I hear. The number “30” appears before my eyes.
In the second I know that the 30th week is meant.
(Channeling; April 21, 2014)

The 31st week of 2024 saw the sharpest slump on the stock markets for more than 35 years. This was the starting signal for the total collapse.
In just a few weeks the banks will be closed and the store shelves empty.
Central bank money will then be presented and introduced as the savior. People will gratefully grasp at this straw, but it will only be a cloak for total control and surveillance.

"Our spaceships can be seen more frequently and more clearly with each passing day. We show ourselves more and more. Tell people to look up to the sky. Even sceptics can no longer deny us."
(Channeling; August 4, 2024)

All you have to do is take the time to look at a “star” in the night sky for more than five seconds. Usually, UFOs are so far away that they look like stars, only a little brighter. If you watch such a “star” for more than a few seconds, you will notice distinct jagged movements. The first object will probably not be an UFO, but it is worth the effort.
The ideal time to see UFOs is at dusk. Suddenly bright “stars” appear. It is as if lights suddenly go on. The real stars are not visible at this time. They will slowly become visible 10 to 15 minutes later as the darkness increases.

More information regarding the economy, Covid-19, hyperinflation, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, famine, social unrest, safe areas, asteroid impact, pole jump, World War III etc. and exact times are all in my book.

The e-book will be available as download shortly before the landing of our star brothers and sisters here on this homepage. The paperback is published a few days later.

"Christ speaks - Prophecies - the Bible of the 21. Century"
The link to it will be on this homepage.