
“The light at the end of the tunnel is you.”
(Channeling; January 14, 2025)

I am taking part in the Olympic Games marathon. Runners from all over the world are at the start. They are all wearing normal everyday clothes, not a single one a sports outfit. I myself am running barefoot.
We are already in the stadium, one more lap around the track, then the race and the Olympic Games are over. It's freezing cold, dark and the landscape is covered in snow. Again and again I feel small stones on the track that hurt me.
We run in a group. I see some African runners who are also running barefoot. They stop to scrape the stones off the soles of their feet. To be fair, the runners with street shoes also stop. After a few seconds we continue running, then we stop again because the cold is getting to us. After a short break, we run the last few meters towards the finish.
(Vision; January 10, 2025)

Running is a form of transportation that involves something purposeful. Any activity that is directed towards a goal is generally seen as something positive. The goal in this vision is to enter the Golden Age.
The Olympic Games symbolize that the whole world will be affected by this. The marathon is the last discipline of all Olympic competitions. So we are almost at the finish line.
People are not prepared for the final difficulties we will face - nobody wears sportswear. Cold, snow and darkness represent the environmental changes. The pebbles symbolize the inconveniences and problems we still have to overcome.
The fact that all the runners wait for those who need a short break for reasons of fairness shows that a “togetherness” is already developing. Everyone wants to reach the finish line together. The aim is to reach the finish line, whether first, second or last is of secondary importance.
Barefoot running not only represents a spiritual journey, but also a feeling of freedom and naturalness. It stands for turning away from social constraints and striving for authenticity. It promises more stable health and better well-being in the future. One seeks contact with Mother Earth and wants to rediscover the instinct with life.

The dreams and visions in the Rau nights symbolize the individual events of the coming twelve months. I received my first prophecy for the year 2025 for April.

As some of the visions and dreams are very personal to me, I will not reproduce them here 1:1, but rather reveal the general statements behind them. Some of the visions can be read in the book.

A wealth of revelations are currently flowing into me. On some days, often four or five milestones.
The year 2025 will be a year of radical upheaval. Changes like we have never experienced before are imminent. A “new world” is slowly emerging.
On the one hand, the existing economy and system will go down the drain, while on the other, this newly created space will make room for truly innovative and creative possibilities to make our lives easier. We are facing an extremely exciting and challenging time.

The coming famine and the destruction of many material values will drive the materialists, who cling to the (still) existing system and old beliefs and long for the “good old days”, mad.
This pressure - to which spiritually oriented people will also be exposed - will shape them into diamonds who will serve others and act for the common good.
A fantastic time! We can grow extremely as human beings! The time of selfishness will be over for many!

However, the division in society will become even greater as a result! Two worlds will emerge that will exist side by side!

Chronological order:
There will be temporal overlaps between the individual events. The events are fluid. The dates are approximate!

April: sighting of extraterrestrial spaceships

May: people are relocating to safe rural areas as far as they can

June: collective increase in consciousness, rapid progress;
extreme division of society because not everyone experiences the leap in consciousness

July: Rapture of a minimal part of humanity;
collapse of the monetary system; worldwide protests; uprisings against the ruling regimes; mass unrest; civil war-like conditions;
aggressive and violent people; famine; poverty;
disengagement from old beliefs

October: Those who have chosen the spiritual path, follow love and strive every day to develop themselves further are persecuted. No one can be trusted.
Groups that have chosen the spiritual path are deliberately infiltrated and persecuted by advocates of the old system.

November: Introduction of a new monetary system; It will be digital money, but a completely new system that is not yet on the radar. It will be a modified form of the currently propagated central bank money. The new monetary system will be based on gold. The dark forces will not be able to realize their plans.
pioneering inventions to make daily life easier; new forms of jobs; creativity and intuition will experience a surge in daily life;
emergence of “togetherness”; People will apologize to others for wounds inflicted on them in the past. surrender becomes normal

December: pubs are empty; the middle class is dying

I also see other earth-shattering events for the year 2025, but I won't mention them here because I didn't receive them medially in any of the Rau nights, but months, years or decades ago.

More information regarding the economy, Covid-19, hyperinflation, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, famine, social unrest, safe areas, asteroid impact, pole jump, World War III, Cosmic Laws, Ascension etc. and exact timesare all in my book.

The e-book will be available as download shortly before the landing of our star brothers and sisters here on this homepage. The paperback is published a few days later.

"Christ speaks - Prophecies - the Bible of the 21. Century"
The link to it will be on this homepage.