
In December 2024, I predicted that a new monetary system would be introduced in November 2025. In March 2025, Christine Lagarde announced that the digital euro would be introduced in October 2025.
Here is the text of my prophecy:

November: Introduction of a new monetary system. It will be digital money, but a completely new system that is not yet on the radar. It will be a modified form of the currently propagated central bank money. The new monetary system will be based on gold. The dark forces will not be able to implement their plans.

I have completed a job and am asked whether I would like to be paid in cash or digital currency. I decide in favor of digital money.
(Vision; December 31, 2024)

Obviously, this will result in a heavily modified version of the central bank money propagated today, because as described in this book, I am an absolute opponent of another instrument of control that completely disempowers citizens.
If I agree with digital money, it will have to be a completely different system. Presumably it will be related to quantum computing.

“The big and sole winner of the second election will be the AfD.”
The “landslide victories” in the individual constituencies are then commented on in detail.
(Channeling; March 3, 2025)

There will be new elections in Germany!
As I predicted, the old system is crumbling and will collapse. This can also be seen in the tensions within NATO, in the problems of the WHO, which is financed by pharmaceutical companies and therefore does not have the health of citizens as its goal, and above all in the enormous tensions within the EU. The annulment of a regular presidential election in an EU country because a non-NATO-friendly candidate won completes the picture.

Trump is not our savior. The savior is humanity, the people who are waking up more and more every day. But Trump is creating chaos and helping to destroy the old multinational networks in which those who sit at the levers are pursuing the agendas of the Deep State and above all have the goal of introducing digital money and thus having total control.

Trump is also promoting digital money because he cannot decide on his own and has to make compromises, as the Deep State (BlackRock) is still too powerful.But that will also fail.

The entanglement of BlackRock and German politics alone shows how the hare runs:

Friedrich Merz, chairman of the CDU, was chairman of the supervisory board of BlackRock Germany.
The children’s book author Habeck (of the Greens), the current Minister of Economics, brought Elga Bartsch, the head of the economics and capital market research division of the BlackRock Investment Institute in London, on board.
The Minister of Finance is Jörg Kukiles (SPD), who used to work at Goldman Sachs, whose main shareholder is BlackRock.

Digital money will come, but it will be based on gold and not on what the industrial complex is aiming for today.

For the first time in my life, an alien manifests itself in my room.
The being is similar in substance to the spirits I have been able to see for five years, but for the first time with the clear contours of a body. The creature is turquoise blue.
I find this remarkable because all the other beings I see have no clear contours and look more like mist. If it hadn't been explained to me that these are full-bodied beings that can change their shape and size at will, I would probably still think they were intelligent biological cameras. That's what I did after my first conscious contact, because they followed me wherever I went.
Thank goodness I only see them when I'm concentrating, otherwise I might become paranoid. Very rarely is a movement in the “air” so extreme that I notice a being present even without concentrating. From time to time there is a colored dot in the middle of the “fog”: green, blue, turquoise or red. The “bodies” can best be compared to clouds of mist. In ignorance, there is no association with a human-like being.
(Mystical experience; March 3, 2025)

As soon as you too can raise your vibration, you too will be able to see these beings. This is one of the “gifts” you receive when you walk the spiritual path in your life. Materialists would probably consider a wad of banknotes a gift on their path.

A religious leader gives a lecture about the Golden Age on a small hill in the countryside. Unfortunately, the statements are rather trite and lack substance.
I speak up and ask him to tell something about how it feels for someone who already lives completely in the now and only spreads love. I want the listeners to get a taste and a “motivational injection” to turn to the spiritual in order to experience all the beauty for themselves in the near future.
Unfortunately, his answer is just as insubstantial as his lecture and he says there is nothing about it in the scriptures.
“People should be taught more vivid words, that's also one of the reasons why I don't believe in religions. I have a friend in my personal circle who is enlightened, maybe she can say something,” I reply.
Diagonally behind me, Luise, my deceased spiritual mother, takes the floor and begins to talk, not about herself, but about the life of another great soul with whom she was incarnated during her lifetime. This soul was handicapped in her last incarnation because this being also had karmic entanglements to resolve.
(Vision; February 16, 2025)

“The light at the end of the tunnel is you.”
(Channeling; January 14, 2025)

More information regarding the economy, Covid-19, hyperinflation, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, floods, famine, social unrest, safe areas, asteroid impact, pole jump, World War III, Cosmic Laws, Ascension etc. and exact timesare all in my book.

The e-book will be available as download shortly before the landing of our star brothers and sisters here on this homepage. The paperback is published a few days later.

"Christ speaks - Prophecies - the Bible of the 21. Century"
The link to it will be on this homepage.