
I keep all channelings and visions authentic, i.e. I have not changed them. "Wrong" times, which, however, were "correct" at the time of the visions and messages, were kept.

The warning earthquakes in Vienna were originally predicted for April. They will take place only later.

Visions showed me that at the time of the world war there would be summer temperatures, then again I repeatedly received messages that the world war would begin in October, and in visions I saw the Russians wearing coats and on the ground there were autumn leaves.

The demise of the system was originally announced to me for the 30th week.
The 31st week of 2024 saw the sharpest slump on the stock markets for more than 35 years. This was the starting signal for the total collapse.
The banks are not yet closed and the store shelves are not yet empty.

The sequence of events always remains the same!

A vision is the most likely future at the time of the vision. Especially as far as timing is concerned, things can always change because the future is not set in stone.

So pay attention to the events and do not fixate on the months! We always get into trouble when we know or expect a certain time indication and then it does not happen. So please remember, it is a process.

All prophecies that have come true have been published by me on the Internet in advance, as can be proved - such as the assassination of Slobodan Milosevic, the day the US army invaded Iraq, the death of Pope John Paul II, and the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima.

No other prophet in recent centuries has had the grace to receive so many specific, detailed, and varied visions of the end times.

The great biblical final battle between the dark forces and the light is currently raging on earth. We are in the end times!

Ad End Times: "End times" does not mean the end of the world. "Transformation time" would probably be a better term. It means the end of the time of ignorance. One will live completely in the now, the past and the future will become insignificant. It is the end of time.
In the new age, man will recognize himself as a divine, everlasting soul, with limitless potential. He will recognize himself as a partial aspect of God and be aware of the unity and equality of all life. Death will become a relic of the past.

"If your spirituality improves the quality of your life, you will stop looking outside."
(Channeling; March 25, 2024)

“Consciousness is like an upward spiral. First in large circles, with hardly noticeable change of direction. Then smaller and smaller circles, rapidly spiraling upward. Only when your own antenna of consciousness connects with the antennas of others, then you enter increasingly into the All-Consciousness.”
(Channeling; April 18, 2004)

“The more you develop spiritually, the more you are connected to your higher self. After your ascension, you are connected to the omniscience of the cosmos. You can easily take an active part in discussions on a wide variety of topics without having to have acquired this specialist knowledge in this life. All this knowledge is within you, and you have access to it.”
(Channeling; May 7, 2024)

"The most important thing is to live completely consciously in the now."
(Channeling; August 16, 2023)

“The higher one vibrates, the more he can see and hear. The access to other dimensions is the degree of vibration.”
(Channeling; October 21, 2007)

“To let your own light shine also for others and to share with others and the sharing itself, is next to tolerance one of the greatest virtues.”
(Channeling; December 20, 2004)

"Now we will grow together, together."
(Channeling; January 20, 2024)

"Together" is generally the credo of the new age. Groups, co-creativity, and service to others are increasingly replacing selfish and self-serving actions.

Planet Earth and we humans are undergoing a process of transformation. It is referred to by many as "ascension". It is the transition from the third to the fifth dimension. However, these dimensions are states of consciousness and not places. The third dimension is characterized by materialism, polarization, power, greed and egoism. The fifth dimension is characterized by love and oneness. It is a gradual process, but with quantum leaps - the so-called waves of ascension.

But in order to get there and reach the fifth dimension, you have to make room for new positive energies. This can only be done by throwing out the old. The earth and people must cleanse themselves to make room for the new Golden Age. Described in the Bible as the Millennium.

“I will give you a 3-day darkness of day and night. When this darkness comes, lay down, rest and sleep during that time. You need this time. The Earth will awake anew in this time. In addition, your body forms anew in this time. Big joy waits for you. You are born anew. You will shine anew. There comes a new time.”
(Channeling; March 26, 2003)

The earth is currently experiencing extreme environmental changes. They are manifesting in floods, fires, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This is a completely natural process and we should bless each of these events because they serve our development, our lasting well-being.

The climate is fully in line with what is right and good for our development!

Man purifies himself by changing his thought processes and by the demise of all old structures. Today's society must and will therefore collapse. Everything material will be taken away from us so that we can recognize what really matters: spreading love, recognizing ourselves as part of God, becoming aware of the unity of all life and supporting others on their path.

"The increase in vibration and the rise of the spiritual is associated with the decline of the material, the economy."
(Channeling; February 22, 2008)

“Everything must be taken away from people so that they can reflect on themselves again.”
(Channeling; January 10, 2000)

"In order for a new world to come into being, the old world must come down and break up. This is absolutely necessary and purposeful.
(Channeling; April 28, 2005)

“Decline of the system", I hear. The number "30" appears before my eyes. In the second I know that the 30th week is meant.
(Channeling; April 21, 2014)

The structures as we know them will soon no longer exist. The collapse of this civilization is coming! Runaway inflation and the loss of millions of jobs will lead to famine, followed by civil wars and serious unrest in many countries.

Chronology of events in the coming weeks:

1). Material world sensation by me - in the course of this I give a press conference in which I announce our star brothers and sisters as well as the coming earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

2). The sighting of our brothers and sisters from space. The landing will be after they announced it via television.

3). Parallel to the landing, three warning earthquakes (within a time span of about two weeks), then a 14-minute and an 8-minute world earthquake.

4). Explosion of Mount Etna, which will lead to the onset of winter in Europe.

5). Immediately after the landing, hyperinflation begins in the triple digits. Banks close, customers lose their money. Total collapse of the economy

6). Mass unrest, civil wars

7). Asteroid impact and pole shift

8). Harbinger to World War III:

a). A regional 7-day conflict in Europe.
b). Massive war alert, soldiers have to move in, then the all-clear comes.
c). South Korea gets involved in a conflict.
d). Assassination of a high-ranking person in the Balkans. Putin will invade Turkey.

9). The 3. World War, which will last 4 months.

Important addendum!

„There will no longer be a third world war in the true sense of the word. World War 3 has long been underway on other levels.“
(Channeling; April 18, 2024)

In April 2024 I received this message medially. This message is very gratifying, because the outer world is always a reflection of the inner world of all people, of the collective consciousness.
A medial message about the future is always the most probable future (timeline) of an infinite number of scenarios. I can only hope that the timeline that there will be no world war will prevail and that my visions and channelings from this chapter will no longer come true.

10).The 3-day day and night eclipse, which will mean the end of World War III.

A part of mankind changes thereby into the 5th dimension. This is not a place, but a state of consciousness - one will live heaven on earth, so to speak, although one will still be here on earth and live side by side with lower vibrating people. The division of society will become even greater as a result.

11).Beginning of the actual NWO (New World Order) , which will last 41 or 42 months.

12).Start of the "Golden Age"

“The higher the inflation in the countries, the higher the bribes.”
(Channeling; January 20, 2024)

“Paris is a dangerous city. From one moment to the next they will rise and roam the streets. The people are rising up.”
(Channeling; April 7, 2021)

I see the Eiffel Tower burning.
(Vision; May 3, 1999)

“From a people you can learn two things: how society treats someone who has money and, above all, how society treats someone who has no money.”
(Channeling; November 4, 2003)

At the time of the landing of our brothers and sisters there is chaos and some people try to use this chaos for theft and robbery.
(Vision; October 9, 2012)

“The extraterrestrials will announce their arrival. These beings are ethically very far ahead of you.”
(Channeling; July 7, 1997)

Extraterrestrials invite many scientists on Earth to visit their spaceships. The extraterrestrials are answerable. In the "driver's cab", the scientists' eyes light up at the fascinating technology like little children in front of a model railway under the Christmas tree. The extraterrestrials also teach scientists the physical laws about time and space, which mean a completely new territory for them.
(Vision, July 18, 2008)

The landing of the loving aliens will usher in a new age on an intergalactic scale. The landing of our star brothers is a divine intervention and not an invasion. They will help us ascend. The leader of this mission is Christ.

There will be a collective consciousness-raising from the third to the fourth dimension. This is a "mini-quantum leap”, so to speak. People will be more conscious and will be at a fork in the road: It will come to the final decision of whether they want to stay in the 3rd dimension and continue to live in the existing matrix of the polarized world. Or if they will choose the light and love and move forward, towards the 5th dimension.

I see a volcano explode. It seems to me like a bomb explosion. This volcano suddenly turns into the city of Mexico City. Huge letters literally scream at me: “22 million victims.”
(Vision; March 29, 2011)

“Because of the dust and soot particles flying around, the sun will darken, and it will be very cold in the summer.”
(Channeling; June 30, 2004)

“Europe will be atomically contaminated by its own nuclear power plants. Many food and water sources will become inedible.”
(Channeling; March 21, 2011)

I am traveling in a bus. There is no more individual traffic. The temperatures are almost tropical. Via radio companies are mentioned, whose food is not edible.
(Vision; February 28, 2000)

“Supply chains will be disrupted, and not just for manufactured goods. Even fruits and vegetables will not be able to be delivered.”
(Channeling; August 29, 2021)

I see bartering going on in the streets. Goods and services of various kinds are offered.
(Vision; December 2, 2020)

“Whoever can, should move to the West in August at the latest, so as not to be flooded.”
(Channeling; July 25, 1999)

This message refers to Austria. The high areas in the west of Austria are better protected from floods, but also from hurricanes because of the mountains.

“A pole shift will lead to a tilting of the Earth’s axis and millions of people will lose their habitat from one second to the next.”
(Channeling; January 21, 1999)

“The impact of a celestial body will take the lives of more than 50 % of the world’s population.”
(Channeling; May 12, 2010)

“Chaos and civil war-like conditions in many countries of Europe, a shift to the left of many governments and then World War 3 is here.”
(Channeling; June 28, 2012)

“It is the 39th week. Soldiers are standing around everywhere.”
( Channeling; April 7, 2021)

“The Third World War broke out; it was said this morning in Brussels.”
(Channeling; August 20, 2008)

“The World War is not there to heal.” Suddenly I know it will last four months. Then I see a line of text and read, “October to January.”
(Vision; July 14, 2004)

“Everything will stop blooming and flourishing. It will become musty and rot. The end will then be three completely dark days.”
(Channeling; April 30, 2005)

The "Rapture", also mentioned in the Bible, will take place in October 2024.
A minimum of one per thousand of the world's population will magically leave the earth. They will be trained for their task in spaceships of our star brothers and sisters. About two months later they will return to assist the rest of humanity in their ascension.

The Golden Age begins successively with the first ascension wave (Rapture). The second ascension wave will occur during the three-day day and night eclipse. The three-day day and night eclipse will mean the change into the 5th dimension for a part of the population.

However, not too much will change in the world situation. Only the subjective feeling of the ascended ones will be different. The opposites will logically increase due to the different vibrational frequencies of people.

"Many will be shocked if they still live in a world of polarity after their change. (note: ascension)
(Channeling; July 16, 2004)

The world domination of the "New World Government" ("NWO") will be at the peak with the end of the war. It will not be a piece of cake. It will take 41 to 42 months (3 ½ years). After that, Paradise on Earth will come!

The Ascended Masters and those who have already raised their frequency (note: are already vibrating in the fifth dimension) will be persecuted. There are internment camps."
(Vision; August 7, 2003)

The ruling system is crumbling. Free yourself from the thought that there will be harmony and joy immediately after World War 3.

"It is natural for people to think that I died on the cross. They don't know otherwise."
(Channeling; September 7, 2022)

I see that Jesus had some children of his own and a nurse took care of them.
(Vision; April 23, 2020)

I see myself sitting on the floor, the baby Jesus in my arms, Mary next to me. I hear a voice: "Mother Mary was your wife in my lifetime. You were Joseph of Nazareth".
(Vision; 01.03.2004)

I was also the prophet Samuel from the Old Testament and also St. Germain. So I remained faithful to the announcement of the future. But it is not important who you were in a previous incarnation or what you did. It is much more important to concentrate on the present.

"This room is on fire just like the burning bush in the Bible. Like Moses, you will lead humanity into a new peaceful age.
(Channeling; November 22, 1998)

"You are right, it is you who are spoken of. You are an apostle of the end times".
(Channeling; 12.06.1999)

For years I have been giving a detailed preview of the coming events. When all the prophesied events will be concrete is in principle absolutely unimportant. Pay attention to what will happen now in the coming weeks, because then you will also know which event will follow an event that has already happened. I have announced clear and unmistakable chronological sequences. The structures as we know them will soon no longer exist.

I hope I served you well and wish you the best during the coming days and weeks. If you have questions you are invited to contact me via e-mail: